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Sign Your Contract

Return your ACCESS contract in the envelope provided to secure your spot in ACCESS!


Attend Orientation in May/June

Save the Date!

Mark your calendar for the ACCESS Welcome Meeting on August 17, 4:00-6:00pm

Check Your Email

Expect an e-mail from your ACCESS mentor (probably a few days before classes start) and respond to his/her requests promptly

Start Building Your Schedule

Take the ACCESS New Student Questionnaire now and complete Early Registration Advising at on/after May 4th.

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Greetings from the Director


Dear Students,


You have made a life-changing decision. You have made the decision to attend college, and, not just any college.  You have selected a nationally-recognized, 4-year university. One that has opportunities for growth, learning, and change everywhere you look. As the Director of Academic Services for ACCESS Students, I have been here long enough to watch many students move from freshman status to graduation. It is easy to spot those who will be most successful. They are eager, open to new things (classes, people, activities, etc.), and, most importantly, they are open to help from others. They recognize good opportunities when they see them and they don’t back down. This is my hope for you.


My hope is that you will not back down once you get here. I hope you will see the opportunities available to you through ACCESS, your residence hall, your classes, other organizations, and you won’t back down from them. We all have it within ourselves to be amazing in our own way, but we sometimes become afraid of our own amazingness. When you get here, encourage yourself to live up to your full potential and see how it feels.  To do this, say yes when you might normally say no, ask questions or say what you’re thinking even when the voice inside your head says not to, and, most importantly, ask for help when you need it. ACCESS advisors are here for YOU. We can’t wait to meet you, help you, and watch you change and grow with each new opportunity. Welcome to ACCESS and to Appalachian!




Beth Marsh


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